Whether be it the General-election, respective State-assembly elections or even the by-polls, we provide our unique political services and strategies to both individual candidates and political parties. Our Elections Insight team and our political workforce spread across each constituency and assembly-segments are always prepared and field-ready to jump into the action to serve you.

We identify your voters, build the momentum, craft the right messages, brand, market and position them among the right voters, put the accurate strategies in place and achieve the required results for you.

Constituency-Centric Political Strategies

One of Elections Insight’s strength is embedded in the efficient election and campaign management of each constituency. No two constituencies can have the same political need and game-plan. In the upcoming Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh state legislative assembly elections, the fight for each assembly constituency across the state will be multi-cornered and it would require heavy political strategising that is exclusively created for each constituency.

Elections Insight, which consists of visionary political strategists and dedicated workforce is always looking forward to taking up challenging tasks on behalf of you or your party and works relentlessly to achieve the desired results for you. Elections Insight, through its trained ground workforce that is present in place across each constituency/assembly/booth is field-ready to take on active campaigning and the constituency management. We regulate and provide training for efficient and effective booth level management for volunteers/workers and booth level management techniques.

On-ground and digital campaigning across the constituency would be based on a theme/set of themes. Theme would be based on micro-level economic, social, and financial issues and solutions. It would be created and executed keeping in mind your objectives and agenda. Unique slogans will be created, branded, and marketed for you in your respective constituency both on-ground and digitally. Elections Insight under this service emphasises on providing the especially important War- room tactics. It provides insights on War-room methods, training party functionaries and its   execution. It comes up with instant solutions for difficult and different political situations during election campaign and after the elections as well.

  • On ground campaign across the assembly constituency using micro level teams consisting of filed surveyors and volunteers.
  • Mapping of battleground zones.
  • Dedicated on ground teams in battleground zones (weak and neutral areas in your assembly constituency)
  • Candidate’s campaign and day to day travel itinerary mapping before and after the announcements of polls based on factors that would ensure increased voter interactions, candidates image building and de-neutralising vulnerable zones.
  • These on ground micro level teams use Elections Insight’s voter profiling and constituency profiling systems to reach out to voters across your constituency.
  • Dedicated Social media war-rooms.


We are experts at building movements by engaging grassroots supporters, party-workers, donors, coalitions at local level and partners. A movement cannot be ignored, and it helps create the required political momentum that the candidate or the political party needs. Elections Insight and its workforce helps you to connect and engage your cause to the causes of those who can act as your most valuable supporters. Elections Insight’s movement building political services helps your campaign in that constituency to become larger, popular and most importantly engaging on the ground as well as digitally.

  • Political Momentum for the campaign.
  • Grassroots and Grass-tops activation.
  • Engagement and interactions with donors.
  • Engagement and interactions with people of importance.
  • Coalition Building
  • Elections Insight’s unique Door to Door campaign using our ready to engage ground workforce spread across each constituency/assembly segments/booth
  • The “Guardian Angel” Campaign – This is a unique campaign service provided by Elections Insight. It is the 15-day / 7-day / 3-day campaign service that ensures the 2-3% voters swing to you or to your party’s favour. It is also a rigorous on ground and online get out the vote (GOTV) instrument.

Constituency and Voter-base Profiling

We want our clients to have a data driven and data oriented political campaign. Therefore, by using our advanced software tools for profiling we ensure that our clients have their results. Our database is unique and based on various demographics and compositions. If you are already our client, log on to your dedicated dashboard to see the project’s progress.

Inbound and Outbound Election Marketing

Inbound Election Marketing:

Elections Insight uses a mixture of inbound and outbound election marketing techniques. Inbound election marketing creates and improves the awareness, attracts, and helps in bringing new votes and also the competitors votes into your vote bank. Elections Insight’s inbound election marketing techniques helps you and your party to reach out to mass voters in the constituency in quick time. These marketing technique aims to create impactful and sustainable positive opinions, word of mouth, reviews and reactions about you or your party among the mass voters in the respective constituency. Another main objective behind our inbound election marketing strategy in drawing the voters’ closer to you or rather say bringing the voters closer and in favour of you or the party.

  • Creating and spreading of attractive informative messages, e-brochures, blogs, banners, videos, speeches, e-pamphlets, e-manifesto among the mass voters and among mobile phones, tablets, and desktop users.
  • Aggressive search optimisation of our client’s political identity, political brand, and political activities to the target vote bank.
  • Creation and maintenance of candidate’s websites and other social media profiles.
  • Data Mining and research

Outbound Election Marketing:

As mentioned earlier, Elections Insight uses the right mixture of inbound and outbound election marketing to achieve desired results for you. Outbound marketing techniques play an important role in election campaigning and canvassing in India especially in the western & northern states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Goa, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and the Union Territory of Delhi, Jammu & Kashmir. Elections Insight uses influencer marketing, radio-events, radio- speeches, print- media, as well as all the traditional methods of installing flags, speakers, and banners to reach out to the voters. Our new 3D format of campaigning is also available to reach out to target voters in the constituencies.

Political Brand Positioning Strategies

Some candidates maybe a first timer in the general election and some candidates maybe a two, three, five time or even more experienced in terms of election participation. No matter whom it is their stories need to be told to the mass-voters. A story here refers to anything and everything that’s worth advertising and marketing. A story can be a message, a speech, a name, an identity, a political party’s achievement, a candidate’s achievement, goodwill, capabilities, promises, etc. However, the common voters would not want to waste their precious time listening, thinking and going through the stories of every single candidate from his or her constituency. This is where Elections Insight’s Political Brand Positioning Strategies comes into play. Stories gain significance, trust, loyalty and popularity only when they are said to the voters as a brand, i.e. the candidate’s or the party’s brand. For each of our client we create your own brand and then tell your stories to the mass voters so that it helps in achieving the desired results. In this way, your stories are sustained in the minds and hearts of the people in your constituency/constituencies.

  • Political Brand Platform – A thorough report and analysis of our competitor’s story’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Political Brand Insight – Research and analysis among the voters to create a unique political brand
  • Customised Brand Positioning Strategies
  • Political Brand Advocacy

Digital and Social Media Marketing

With the increased internet usage among youth and adults, the rural and urban sections of voters, Elections Insight aims at connecting you with general public on the digital and social media platforms during your busy schedule and course of election campaign as well as after the elections. With most people spending a significant portion of the days’ time on the internet, it is also necessary and Elections Insight ensures that our clients meet, engage, and connect with their valuable voters at various digital and social media platforms. Our digital and social media team does the creation, maintenance, daily-updates, constant voter-engagements, increasing digital and social media visibility for you during the campaign period as well as after the elections.

Reputation and Crisis Management

Politics is always like standing at the edge of a bridge. One’s reputation can be brought down in no time by political opponents or even because one’s own behaviour, error, or mistake. We have seen a long list of famous political figures and personalities get embarrassed and become politically sidelined due to their very own actions, mistakes, errors, miscommunication, misinterpretation, and wrong choice of words, signals to the general public or even during a meeting.

This is also amicable in the modern era of digital and social media where a wrong tweet or even wrong content can cause great damage to a politician’s or the candidate’s political career. Thus, Elections Insight manages the on field as well as the online reputation and crisis part of the politician/political party during the campaign as well as after the elections.

Content and Creation Strategy

Our professional experts at content and creativity come up with great marketing strategy with the use of right choice of words, phrases to be used in both political speeches, campaign rallies as well as in online blogs, web pages, digital and social media posts. Great content and out of the box creativity go hand in hand and this enhances your prospects. The contents are created after thorough ground level feedbacks, analysis, and surveys. The unique political phrases and speeches created by Elections Insight for you or the party are made viral and popularised at the ground level through its political workforce stationed across each constituency. There are various other important services or rather political necessities that are effectively and efficiently carried out by Elections Insight for its valuable clients across India.