Whether be it the General-election, respective State-assembly elections or even the by-polls, we provide our unique political services and strategies to both individual candidates and political parties. Our Elections Insight team and our political workforce spread across each constituency and assembly-segments are always prepared and field-ready to jump into the action to serve you.

We identify your voters, build the momentum, craft the right messages, brand, market and position them among the right voters, put the accurate strategies in place and achieve the required results for you.


In today’s digital world where every person has his own digital address. Through which we have an identity in the people. This is how we can understand the importance of the website of a political person. The politician website is a form of political marketing that shares all important information about you and what you are doing. This is why people can develop a more personal relationship with you. At this time, political websites help people to maintain confidence by informing them about the happenings in their local government. In addition, the website mentions various methods of dissemination in elections.

When the elected representative of the public becomes an MLA, MP or Minister, then his identity is in his constituency, but if this public servant (politician) comes in his own digital medium and makes his website and his own in the world of internet Builds identity In that case, his name gets stored on a server in the whole world, then any person can gather information about that public servant from anywhere. like-

  • You can get details about how to know your lifestyle and how to contact you.
  • A description of the party manifesto on the website so that people can know the party’s goals.
  • A single platform for all social media links in one place so that people can easily connect with the candidate.
  • Create a portfolio website and you can put your thoughts among people through a blog.
  • Update with high-quality information-graphics.
  • Integrate all your social media channels with APIs.
  • Know all your posts regularly with highly specific and ranked content.
  • You can also know about how many people want to join you.
  • The activities done by you can reach the public within minutes.
  • People can also be connected to their digital social media from here.

How can a website increase your online visibility?

  • Know the optimization on the page appropriately.
  • Publish regular blog content.
  • Be active on some social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube )networks as well as increase connection with people.
  • Run targeted Facebook ads and understand the logo.
  • Display guest Blogs on relevant websites.
  • Encourage your customers to leave online reviews.

Benefits Of Website in Politics?

  • Present your political convictions
  • Blog and newsletters Updates
  • Events calendar management
  • Contact page and subscriptions For Voters
  • Photo and video gallery of Major events and achievements
  • Present your party and its members

How can a website increase your online visibility?

  • Know the optimization on the page appropriately.
  • Publish regular blog content.
  • Be active on some social media networks as well as increase connection with people.
  • Run targeted Facebook ads and understand the logo.
  • Display guest blogs on relevant websites.
  • Encourage your customers to leave online reviews.

What is Blog & Content?

  • A candidate’s blog to make them popular among people.
  • The way to reach the public from the political point of view which people study.
  • Blog can change people’s thinking towards you among political constituencies.
  • A portal containing daily articles on activities
  • A portal containing daily articles on activities

Fully Mobile Responsive Website -

A mobile responsive website is one that is developed under a technology that can give you a better experience of yourself on all mobile devices and all types of screens. If the experience of the website is good among our visitors, then surely such visitors will come to our website again and again, their interest will be seen in our website.

  • Easy navigation on mobile responsive website pages.
  • Site elements are designed to simplify the use of the site.
  • Transformation of modified content according to mobile consumption.
  • Click for added call functionality on the site.
  • Added simple features on the site for calls to action or to speed up email functionality.
  • Addresses are given to help users use the map of mobile devices.
  • Our Complete Digital Marketing Solutions:
  • Website Design & Development
  • Domain & Hosting Management
  • Professional Email Hosting
  • Ecommerce Solutions
  • Custom Graphic Design.

Janta Darbar Solutions

There is no doubt that the leaders and leaders of the people are connected to the leaders of the people, and the connectivity of the leaders is not limited to the leaders of the people and the leaders of the state government. For the leaders of the public and the service of the public, only the people and the leaders,It is the people who will be able to connect with the leaders in a big way Softwares take the duration of their work in the labor market to avoid them. along with, The duration of work schedules by running in Kamacharam. All the recruits of all the recruits will be able to find out the status of their work, and also, the following will be available and will be available. It will give you a good deal of time. Only one person will have to give a chance to the people,I do not know how to do all of their responsibilities.

Why is the Janata Darbar special?

Complete Appointment Solution

  • One Click Appointment
  • One Click Appointment Cancel
  • Reappointment
  • Appointment and Reappointment Massage Alert

Complete Complaint Solution

  • Open Complaint
  • Complaint Entry –Note Complaint
  • Open Complaint Date and time Auto Response Message Alert
  • One Click Complaint Solution
  • And Complaint Closed
  • Closed Complaint Date and time Auto Response Message Alert

Invitation Details

  • Note Invitation Date Open
  • Note invitation Massage Alert
  • Invitation Details Date Auto Alert Your Mobile Number –
  • Pending Invitation Details

Social Work Details

  • Social work And Benefit details
  • And Regularly touch to Beneficiary Your Software

MLA/MP/Leader Expense Management

  • All Expense Management Your Office

Election Campaigning***********Chargeable

  • Real Time Advertise Van Tracking
  • Area Tracking o GPS Enable Panel
  • GPS Enable Panel

जनता दरबार के लाभ

इसके द्वारा आपके लोकसभा / विधान सभा क्षेत्र के वो सभी मतदाता जो आपसे मिलते हैं वो आप से अपनी समस्या का हल निकल बाते हैं. उनसे लगातार संपर्क बनाए रखने मे सक्षम है जो की आपके भविष्य मे होने वाले चुनाव में आपको लाभ प्रदान करे.

यदि आप भी कोई आगामी लोकसभा/विधानसभा चुनाव लड़ने की योजना बना रहे है या फिर कोई चुनाव लड़ना चाहते है, तो चुनाव सम्बंधित कैटलॉग देखने के लिए या अभी से अपने चुनावी क्षेत्र में अपनी चुनावी रणनीति समझने के लिए +91 7905265184 पर कॉल करे या मेल भेजे.

Election Management Software

Do You Need Voter Management Software?

Election care Solutions is the best organization for providing the election management software system, which is a secure web-based software system with the latest technology. We are specializing in election management software. Election Corporation is better and better in each corporation and state elections. We are constantly looking for the latest concepts and updates about software.

To win elections, candidates need to make connections with voters at the most fundamental level. Volunteers knock on doors, hand out literature and win the battle on the ground for hearts, minds and yard signs.

Organizing a good field operation can produce a win for your candidate, but it’s easy to get over whelmed by the sheer volume of information needed to get the job done. Our software for politicians has developed powerful voter management software to help campaigns process that mountain of data and turn it into something useful, allowing them to target their messages more effectively and to easily track who they’ve talked to and when. Campaigns have tight budgets and need to choose how and when to spend money. Voter management software allows you to create highly-targeted field programs that match your campaign’s message with the interests and histories of voters. By targeting your voters more accurately, you use those limited campaign resources more effectively, making voter management software something your campaign can’t afford to do without.

Political Data Management software allows every campaign to take advantage of the powerful tools of modern, targeted field programs. And since Software is a web-based system, campaigns can also use it to coordinate staff members and volunteers based in different locations. Some campaigns set up their volunteers to use Software to print out their own walk sheets, then enter their results at the end of the day. They can do all of this without needing to go to the campaign Plateform.

In addition, we’ve designed our Voter management software so you can drill down without a long learning curve. We know your time is valuable, so we’ve made our campaign software do all the heavy lifting.

Power to the people is the core potential in elections, but how do you get it there when the election process and rules can be complicated and difficult.

We create and freely distribute the Election Campaign Management Software, System to make it easier for people to run for office in India. we will encourage younger people to enter the political process as candidates.

We also provide Bulk Voice Solution, Bulk SMS, election campaign Management software, Election Systems & Software, Election software Solutions, Election Campaign Management, Election Campaign Software, and Election Software for Data Management, Software for Politicians, and Software for Election. You can use this software in small and big election like MLA Election, MP election, election committee management software. We provide Top Political Campaign Software Products, Software for Political Campaigns.

Our campaign software smartly manages your vote, voter files, allows you to target specific voting blocks, sends SMS and tracks all of your mass email, and makes campaign finance reporting a crack.

Election Software, provides Political Consulting, Political Survey, Opinion Poll, Exit Poll, Constituency Profiling, Election Management and Political Campaigning for Political Parties. We also Provide We have a varied client base consisting of Political parties as well as individual MP’s, MLA’s and aspirants. Voter software which contains all minute level details of the study in one place.

Smart call routing

Application for War Room to Monitor Each Booth.
Mobile App for Booth Manager

You can break down your voter list by any number of criteria:

  • Demographics
  • Voter Data
  • Party affiliation
  • Voting history

Precinct and Ward information:

  • Parliament Election
  • Institutional Election
  • Local Government Election
  • Trade Union Election
  • Internal Organizational Election
  • Voter Database
  • Volunteer Management
  • Event Management
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Bulk SMS for Voters and Volunteers

We also Provide Voter software which contains all minute level details of the study in one place. We have a varied client base consisting of Political parties as well as individual MP’s, MLA’s and aspirants.

We Also Provide Our EMS-

Electioncare SMS provides a cost effective and Cheap SMS delivery capability with fast, simple, effective & efficient real-time communication. There are boundless bulk SMS Software’s available in Market, but before buying any such or cheap SMS software and missing edge of revolution.

Election Software has the leading political and social research unit. With over india dedicated social researchers. Election Software Political & Social is uniquely placed to conduct research on any social issue, in any environment.

We Like A State Wise Booth Management Software(Delhi, Jharkhand, Bihar, Haryana, West Bangal, Gujrat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Jambu Kashmir, Tamil, Maharashtra, Karnatak, ), Election Management Software, Voter Slip Print Software, Voter Parchi Software, Matdata Software, Voter Verify Software, Booth Management Software with voter Programe (Voter List in excel format). Mobile App is easy to use so Any person with knowledge of WhatsApp or Facebook can handle it very easily.Complete Booth level Access control so only Authorised person can see or edit their Booth Data.We have defined a concept of Booth Incharge and Line can be saved & searched later on when needed.User can also manage each and every voter by identifying and entering information like Caste, Social Status like Doctors, Engineers, RWA like groups.

Election Management Software Per Provide cast Wise Voter List, Alphabetical Voter List in Excel, Booth Wise Male And female Voter Count, Booth Wise Age Wise Count, Booth Wise Surname Wise count, Booth wise Per House Wise Voter Counting.